the muse [no. 8]

Over the duration of this project, I have been inspired by Barbara Kruger and her style. Her words make me think almost as challenging as those of Baudrillard's because of her complex way of presenting contemporary issues. Kruger and Baudrillard might agree on some things but I know the art more than the artist, if you know what I mean. Kruger calls attention to the present details. She insists that we focus upon what is in the now and real and how we think about our identity in this age as a citizen who partakes in consumption.

Kruger's signature style is something I have chosen to incorporate into my 'carousel' image because of the iconic factor it carries with an American skateboarding and clothing company: Supreme. My project uses a lot of images that I do not own so I am taking that into account, just as this company has 'stolen' the iconic text from Kruger's style of art. This is what provokes me. It is not entirely based off of Baudrillard's way of looking at things. It is honestly more about my personal preference. So as I continue to work on my project I will continue to incorporate styles and other images that remind me of Kruger's style and her text box style, as well as the style of pictures she uses. 

Pictured are snip-its from Barbara Kruger's work with important messages that are reflected in her artist statement on the critique of society and economy. And in a way Jean Baudrillard is critiquing society as it is only a simulation. 


  1. I love your aesthetic and your muse.

  2. I think she is a great inspiration for your project! I think the text and photos combined creates such a stronger impact on the viewer

  3. the style is definitely something I see in your art. sometime i wonder why something this simple but seem glitch can be so popular and become such a form that people enjoy seeing, because they are suppose to be "collage and glitch" tho.


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